Schools desirous of being accredited by the Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and other Health Professions (CAAM-HP) should write requesting their accreditation to the Secretariat of the Authority.
Governments may ask for a school to be assessed by CAAM-HP prior to issuing a license to operate in their country. CAAM-HP will carry out such assessments on the same terms and conditions as if the school were licensed, and issue advice to the school and the government concerned about the suitability of the school to be licensed and to have initial accreditation with CAAM-HP as a medical school.
It is unlikely that the accreditation process can be completed in less than a year, therefore requests should be submitted as soon as possible.
For medical schools in the Caribbean Overseas Territories (Anguilla, Montserrat, The British Virgin Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands and Cayman Islands.)
The process for the licensing and accreditation for medical schools in the Caribbean Overseas Territories is as set out in the document Caribbean Overseas Territories: Medical School Accreditation Procedure – Reference Note. This reference note has been issued to territory governments and the Governors’ Offices. The reference note outlines the obligations that must be fulfilled by the territory government before a medical school can receive Full Accreditation. The note also sets out the accreditation process for new and prospective medical schools.
Summary This reference note sets out Her Majesty’s Government (HMG) policy for accreditation of new and developing medical schools in the Caribbean Overseas Territories. The reference note lists the procedures that must be undertaken before a medical school can receive full accreditation.
Background Since 2003 the General Medical Council (GMC) has not had the jurisdiction for accrediting medical schools outside the UK. After a careful examination of the options, HMG has concluded that the Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and Other Health Professionals (CAAM-HP) is an appropriate body to take on this role. To attract prospective students a new medical school will want to have a listing on one or both of the World Health Organisation (WHO) World Directory of Medical Schools and the International Medical Education Directory (IMED-FAIMER). HMG should be able to endorse such listings after CAAM-HP is satisfied that the school is ready to take in its first year of students and award provisional accreditation.
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Schools seeking accreditation by CAAM-HP should consult the following documents prior to initiating the accreditation process:
For All Schools- For Dental SchoolsFor Medical SchoolsFor Nursing SchoolsFor Veterinary SchoolsFor Nutrition and Dietetics Schools
For more information, contact the CAAM-HP Secretariat.